nothing make sense anymore..

minutes, hours, weeks, even months can pass, but while i'm with you, it feels like secunds.

until i fall, until my legs give out, until i cant stand tall, until i have to shout,
i wont fall, you gonna se what i can do, i will stand tall, 'cus i'll never listen to you.
shut up if thats all you have to say, i will come back to you eventually, you'll have to pay.
dont mess with the wrong person, nobody wants to hear your oppinion.
your not that wise, your just incompetent, this can only end with your embarrassment.

you want to fight? well just bring it. haha, so awkward your not even a little fit.
i win, you lose, thats simple mathematic, shut all kids eyes and ears 'cus this can be traumatic.

allting är så simpelt, men endå så komplicerat..

your hope hit the rockbottom.

when i'm not god enough, and your looking for some real stuff,
remember everything i've done, and think about if it were me or you that won.
when the sun is rising you'll remember me, 'cus i was the fruit from the toxic tree.
my poison is deap inside in you and your soul, and your completly out of control.
you cant handle this, you cant keep on going, when its 30 degrees outside, you'll belivie its snowing.
your unable to see, unable to feel, your as hard as the thickest of steel.
i dont belive you when you're saying your sorry, but i wont hurt you so dont worry.
you've hurt you're self enough alredy.

its a mad world.

bläääääääääääää jag har tråkigt. bajs.

nanananananannanananananananananannanananana BATMAN! ye.


i find it kind of funny, i find it kind of sad, that in dreams of which im dying are the best i´ve ever had.

thease wounds dont seem to heal, this pain is just to real, its to mutch that time can not erase.
when you'd cry i'd wipe away all of your tears, when you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears..

only one thing is stronger than hate, and thats pure love.

mmmmmmmm, godnatt.


jag har tråkigt.. igen, såklart, så då bloggar jag, såklart.
jag har ett till citat bytheway..

weapons are a instrument of ill omen, only to be used when unavoidable.

jag tror att jag ska sätta mig i ett hörn och sova nu, godnatt

m, jo, ja..

några citat.

the wise win before they fight, the ignorant fight to win.

you have to know while being unknown.

to see before you know is not worthy of being called knowing.



jag har såhär sjuuuuukt tråkigt och jag måste bara göra nått.. så ja, jag bloggar.

jag har inte gjort ett skit idag.. börjat läsa en ny bok, the art of war, en engelsk bok, äh vafan, nu skriver jag på engelska så jag fattar vad jag ska skiriva.
its about.. ye, the art of war, bouth mentally and physically. and how to reatch victorius whitout fighting.
men jag har inte läst så långt, men den verkar bra, ja, jag skriver BARA för att jag inte har nått att göra.

och jag läser winnie the pooh också, för vi va tvungen att låna en bok på skolan och a.. men iallafall, det stog att nallepuh inte var en kille! :o det stog, i call him e´whinnie-ther-pooh, do you know what 'ther' means? och det betyder typ.. 'det' så, nalle puh är en det. ingen han. inten hon. en det.

pusshejjjjjjjjj, jag orkar inte mer.

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